Simple Way to Prevent Websites Jumping from Scrollbars

A common occurance I see on websites, and a frequent question I see as well regards websites "jumping" when more content loads onto the page and a scrollbar becomes visible in the browser. The solution to this is remarkably easy, but I don't think I've seen many developers mention it.

The trick is simply to make the scrollbar present at all times.

If your site creates a vertical scrollbar, use this CSS.

.body {
    overflow-y: scroll;

If horizontal, use this CSS.

.body {
    overflow-x: scroll;

And lastly, if your site creates scrollbars in both directions, you can just use overflow.

.body {
    overflow: scroll;

Just be aware that overflow-x and overflow-y may not be supported in your target browsers!

Update Jan 10th, 2019

It turns out Mac OS and iOS may hide scrollbars regardless of the overflow: scroll rule. Check out this fix to override this behavior.