Displaying response headers and pretty JSON with cURL

The Problem I tend toward using cURL when testing HTTP services, but I had a difficult time parsing the result when these services spit back unformatted »

The Behavior of C# Nested Static Classes

While working on a code review, I found a nested static class that I needed to verify the validity of. I had three questions: Does the »

Transparent Video in all Browsers from Cross-Domain Sources

A brief history of time cross-domain transparent video Transparent video is not a terribly new concept in web development, however, because browsers do not support transparency »

Using Git with the .git directory outside the Git repository directory

I have a particular use case where I want to use Git on top of another version control system. The only problem I ran into is »

Simple Way to Prevent Websites Jumping from Scrollbars

A common occurance I see on websites, and a frequent question I see as well regards websites "jumping" when more content loads onto the page and »