Running Entity Framework Migrations on Application Start

Entity Framework is an ORM developed by Microsoft. It has a useful set of tools and conventions for automatically managing database schema changes called Code First Migrations. My only gripe is that, unless you are willing to do some digging, migrations can only be managed with the PowerShell commands Add-Migration and Update-Database. Even automatic migrations require users to run Update-Database.

There may be many reasons you would want to have migrations automatically run, rather than managing them manually. One reason for me is that I did not want to require that other developers on my team manually run Update-Database any time there is a database schema change. I feel that it is disruptive to the philosophy of Getting Shit Done. On the flip side, not manually managing your databases runs the risk of things breaking and going unnoticed, so use this with care.

Well, I did the digging, and here's what I came up with to run migrations when an ASP.NET website starts.


Somehow I had forgotten that using the database initializer MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion is another way to accomplish this. Definitely give it a once over.

My ApplicationDbContext.cs is fairly straightforward.

namespace MyNamespace.DAL  
    public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
        public ApplicationDbContext()
            /* This is a static class I use to store environment settings from Web.config. */
            : this(EnvironmentSettings.Current.DatabaseConnections.DatabaseConnectionString())

        public ApplicationDbContext(string connectionString)
            : base(connectionString, throwIfV1Schema: false)
            Configuration.UseDatabaseNullSemantics = true;

            Database.Log = s => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(s);

This is my Migrations/Configuration.cs file.

namespace MyNamespace.DAL.Migrations  
    public class ConfigurationBase : DbMigrationsConfiguration<ApplicationDbContext>
        public ConfigurationBase()
            AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
            ContextKey = "MyNamespace.DAL.ApplicationDbContext";

        protected void Initialize(string environment = null)
                Do some stuff to get your database connection string(s).
                I store mine in Web.config, and initialize a static class with
                the values read from that file. This is the same class referenced
                in my ApplicationDbContext.

            I use a different class for each environment I need to account for.
            That includes Local, Debug, Stage, and Production.
        public sealed class Local : ConfigurationBase
            public Local()
                : base()

And lastly, my Startup.cs file. This is the important bit.

namespace MyNamespace  
    public partial class Startup
        public void Configuration()

        static void MigrateDB()
            var settings = EnvironmentSettings.Current;
            var migratorConfig = new MyNamespace.DAL.Migrations.Local();
            migratorConfig.TargetDatabase = new System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbConnectionInfo(settings.DatabaseConnections.DatabaseConnectionString(), "System.Data.SqlClient");

            var dbMigrator = new DbMigrator(migratorConfig);


Let's break it down a little bit.

First, I only want to run this in my debug environments, so I wrapped the call in a preprocessor block.


Then I pull my current environment settings from a static class. This class stores my database connection strings. You may need to find another way to pull your database connection strings in, or you can even hardcode them.

var settings = EnvironmentSettings.Current;  

Armed with our migration configuration class and our connection string, we can instantiate a new "migrator config" and attach a new DbConnectionInfo instance to it.
Again, settings.DatabaseConnections.DatabaseConnectionString() comes from my EnvironmentSettings class, so this will be your own connection string.

You could add some logic here to use different migration configurations instead of just Local.

var migratorConfig = new MyNamespace.DAL.Migrations.Local();  
migratorConfig.TargetDatabase = new System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbConnectionInfo(settings.DatabaseConnections.DatabaseConnectionString(), "System.Data.SqlClient");  

Finally, we instantiate a DbMigrator and call Update().

var dbMigrator = new DbMigrator(migratorConfig);  